Thursday, January 14, 2010

First post

Okay, so now I'm on the blog bandwagon. A bit late, I know, but it's okay. I'm also on Facebook and Twitter if you want to check me out there.

A bit about me. I am a Christian. I grew up going to a Baptist church. While my parents have always gone to a Baptist church, they have always instilled in me that you're a Christian first and a Baptist second. For most of my life now, I've gotten rid of the Baptist label. The Baptists have always had a rich history, especially in America, but I simply don't feel that being a Baptist is all that necessary. Besides, while I do subscribe to believer's baptism, I don't oppose paedobaptism or those who hold to it. R.C. Sproul is one of the best Bible teachers I know.

Enough about me. For now, anyway. :) I've called this blog "Books! Give Me Books!" because I love reading. I always have. And I recently found out about a great book giveaway that I want to share with you. Okay, so it gets me entered in the drawing for a free book too. Shoot me. Anyway, go to Cami Checkett's blog to find out more. I don't know Cami, but Kathi Macias is a good friend of mine on Facebook. She and I are also part of a great editing group called The Christian Pen on Google groups. Kathi writes a weekly devotional that always blesses my heart. I'm grateful for her friendship and I look forward to following Cami as well.

My advice for today: read something for pleasure. You won't regret it!