Monday, July 26, 2010

More Precious Than Silver

More Precious Than Silver

by Lynn DeShazo

published by WinePress Publishing

a review by John Haynes

When I first picked this book up, I didn't know who Lynn DeShazo was. She's written many Christian songs (including the song that bears the title of this book), but her name didn't ring a bell (no pun intended). In each of the chapters, Ms. DeShazo explains one of her songs. The subtitle is "the God stories behind the songs of Lynn DeShazo," and that explains the book quite well. So I read all the way to chapter 7, which is titled "Be Unto Your Name," the title of a song Ms. DeShazo wrote with Gary Sadler in 1998. All of a sudden I thought, Oh, so that's Lynn DeShazo! I've always loved that song. So when I read her God story behind this song, it made me love the song even more! Then the next chapter (8) was about the song "Ancient Words," which I first heard performed by Michael W. Smith and have loved it ever since. Even if you're not familiar with Ms. DeShazo's work, you will still get a blessing from reading "the God stories behind" her songs. And if you are familiar with her work, you will be blessed even more. Sometimes we as Christians think of people in the spotlight as just a bit more holy, a bit more blessed, or a bit more special to God than we could ever be. I know we do that with characters in the Bible, but we also do it with modern saints. Has anyone ever thought Billy Graham was just another Christian? I didn't think so. I think it's the same even with other preachers and songwriters. But these people are just as human as you and me. Ms. DeShazo has been through good times and not so good times. She shares some of those experiences in this book. That's what makes her connect with the reader. She's just like us. And we are all in this Christian walk together!

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to familiarize myself with a few more of Ms. DeShazo's songs!

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