90 Minutes in Heaven
a review by John Haynes
I went to see the movie 90
Minutes in Heaven recently. This is the story of a man named Don Piper, who had
a tragic accident one day driving his car. He was said to have died, but this
was not confirmed. It was not confirmed because in the state of Texas where the
accident happened, a coroner has to confirm the death for it to be official. At
least in the movie, Don recovered before the coroner got there.
This movie had a lot of
good things in it. There is much focus on the gospel. That is a good thing for
a movie on the big screen to have. Any time we can get the gospel out to
people, I’m all for that. Even if the conclusions it draws are not accurate
(cf. Phil. 1:15-18).
The acting was very good.
The scenery was also very good. Even the way things are handled with Don’s
injuries was done in good taste.
I don’t doubt that Don
died. Or that he suddenly woke up again. These things happen all the time. What
I do doubt is that he went to Heaven. I doubt this because the Scripture is
clear that no one has been to Heaven. Scripture tells us that “No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from
heaven: the Son of Man” (John 3:13, NASB).
There was
another movie that came our recently called Heaven Is for Real, in which a
young boy claims that he went to Heaven. Many of the same arguments against
that movie come into play in this movie, so if I sound like I’m repeating
myself, I am.
We also need to consider
these other verses: Proverbs 30:4 says, “Who has
ascended into heaven and descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who
has wrapped the waters in His garment? Who has established all the ends of the
earth? What is His name or His son’s name? Surely you know!” (NASB).
Also, the
Bible says clearly that “No one has ever seen God” (John 1:18, NLT; cf. 1 John
4:12; Exod. 33:20). John wrote these verses after A.D. 90, probably when no one
but he had seen Jesus (all the others who had probably been with him had
already died). It’s clear that he is excepting himself. He did see Jesus. Jesus
is God, and John clearly spent a lot of time with Jesus.
In 2 Cor.
12:1-4, Paul talks about a man (ostensibly himself) who had a vision of Heaven.
Paul says that this man “was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible
words, which a man is not permitted to speak” (NASB). It seems clear that Paul
did not actually go to Heaven but had a vision. It is also clear that the
apostle John did not actually go to Heaven in the book of Revelation. Rev. 4:2
says, “Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne was standing in
heaven, and One sitting on the throne” (NASB). John wasn’t actually there. He
was there in the Spirit (or a spirit).
But perhaps
the most telling fact in this movie is something Piper himself says. He says toward
the end of the movie that when he went to Heaven, he didn’t actually see Jesus
but felt his presence there. I’ve got news for you, pal. If you didn’t see
Jesus, you didn’t go to Heaven because Heaven is where Jesus is. If Jesus were
in Cleveland, Ohio, it would be Heaven. Heaven is where Jesus is. Period.
I’m not about
to say that this man went through some demonic exercise. I don’t think Satan
would trick someone into thinking they went to Heaven. Besides, Piper still
gives glory to God, so I don’t think the Devil is involved.
At the end of
the movie, it says he has spoken in more than 3,000 churches. I was very sad to
see this. Are there that many people who are so deluded that they believe this
You are free
to disagree with me, and many have. I’ve actually been surprised at how many
Christians say that this man could have gone to Heaven. Again, no he couldn’t
have. Look at the biblical evidence. This isn’t me saying he couldn’t and
didn’t go; it’s God saying he couldn’t and didn’t go. So if you disagree, I
would like to hear your biblical arguments for why you believe that.
Yes, Heaven is
real. And I know I will go there one day. I know that because I have faith in
God and his Word, not because somebody tells me s/he’s been there.
“God has
reserved a priceless inheritance for his children. It is kept in heaven for
you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay” (1 Pet. 1:4,
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